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Biocafé Tellus: the incomparable Morris

Biocafé Tellus: the incomparable Morris

Every Sunday at 3pm, films for children and teens are shown in your neighborhood cinema in Midsommarkransen!

Maurice, a big orange cat with the gift of speech, travels from town to town offering to solve his surprising rat problem. Keith, a young boy who can play the flute, drives the mice out of town using the notes from his instrument, while Maurice receives the payment. What people don’t know is that Maurice and Keith are friends with mice and work together to make some money. Their plans go awry until they reach a new town where they meet the bookworm Malicia, who leads them on a fast-paced adventure as they become involved in solving the town’s mysterious problems…

Toby Ginkel and Florian Westermann, Great Britain et al. 2023, 1 hour 33 minutes, 7 years

Show Sunday March 5th at 3pm Café opens at 2pm.

Welcome to the 102-year-old neighborhood cinema in Midsommarkransen! Since 1986 Biocafé Tellus has been run by the non-profit Kulturföreningen Tellus and around 60 members have created an extensive program of films for children and adults, current and classic films, concerts and exhibitions, conversation evenings etc. A café is open in connection with events. Welcome to culture in Kranson! website: