Not only does the European Union vote on AI, but it also votes Today the EU Commission launches proposals for data sharing — something Insurely’s CEO, Martin Einemo, sees positively.
– That’s very exciting. It will mean that in the future banks and insurance companies will have to share data via APIs, just as in PSD2 and simply direct payment services. This kind of service, of course, makes it easier for us to run our business, says Martin Einemo.
Uncertainly, which among other things has SEB as an investor, today has among others ICA Försäkringar as a client – something Realtid reviewed two years ago.
The company started around 2018 and has since established itself with several locations in the Nordic countries but also in France, Great Britain and an ongoing launch in the Baltics. The list of customers also includes players such as Nordnet and Avanza. You certainly expect to be able to field more client names after the summer.
– We are working today on launch with several major banks and insurance companies here in the fall, says Martin Enimo.
What are the biggest challenges you face at your desk when you come home from Medal Week?
– I think the point is to analyze what the regulatory proposal would look like today. It will require a very long analysis from us. In addition, I hope that I can continue to talk to politicians, in the same way as here in Almedalen, with the aim of influencing Sweden’s position on the proposal, says Martin Einemo.
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