In 1906, an American sailor brought a mysterious and terrifying artifact to the United States from Japan. The body resembles...
Edric Porter
When His Holiness Pope Francis delivered the Angelus on Sunday, he reflected on Jesus’ great commandment, stressing that “God teaches...
In a message of condolence... Pope Francis expresses his participation in the grief of the victims and destruction of the...
Pence was Vice President during Donald Trump's four years in office. “After much prayer and thought, I have decided, effective...
When is winter time?The time will change on the night of Sunday, October 29, specifically at 03:00.Now that most things...
picture: Title: Eduardo Villablanca. Image: private. - We investigate how interactions between the microbiome (microorganisms in the body) and the...
Under the water's edge on the Isle of Wight beach, a stone's throw from the beach café and car park,...
Acting on information from a group of animal rights activists, police in China raided a truck in eastern Jiangsu province,...
Mike Johnson became the fourth person to be nominated in two weeks after ousting Kevin McCarthy in a historic vote...
As the third-in-line, Tom Emmer, Republican of Minnesota, tried early Tuesday night to be elected Speaker of the House since...