Apple on Tuesday unveiled an upgraded version of Apple TV 4K and a new remote control that comes with it. The new version of the Siri Remote, which is also called the Apple TV Remote in markets where there is no Siri, seems to have attracted most people because it was considered nicer and more effective than the remote control that has been delivered with the Apple TV since 2015.
Some of those who might not appreciate the new Siri Remote might be those who play some Apple Arcade games on Apple TV using the remote control. The new version of the remote control lacks both an accelerometer and a gyroscope, something that’s been around in the old version of the Siri Remote since 2017. This means it isn’t possible to play games on Apple TV that require this with the new version of the controller.
If you try to start a game on Apple TV running on the upcoming tvOS 14.5 and doesn’t support the new version of Siri Remote, you will encounter the following message:
“To play this game on your Apple TV, you need to connect an Apple TV Remote (1st generation) or a compatible PlayStation controller or Xbox or MFi.”
If you use Siri Remote to play Apple Arcade games on Apple TV, in other words, it might be a good idea to save your old remote control if you are planning to have a new Apple TV soon.
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