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Annika Strandhal participates in the Nordic meeting of the Minister of Environment and Climate

On May 3, the Nordic environment and climate ministers will meet in Oslo. Among other things, ministers will discuss how Nordic countries can contribute to the realization of great ambition in international negotiations on biodiversity and climate and the development of a legally binding global agreement against plastic pollution.

At the meeting, ministers will adopt a declaration on green shipping and a declaration containing important policy messages in the Nordic countries ahead of the COP15 biodiversity negotiations.

The Nordic countries play an important role in many international negotiations in the field of environment and climate. Therefore, it is very positive that we can meet and discuss how we can work together to achieve a great ambition, says Climate and Environment Minister Annika Strandhal.

The meeting agenda also includes a discussion by the Science Committee of the identified chemicals, wastes and pollutants at UNEA 5.2, and a resolution on changes to regulations for the Swan environmental label. Ministers will also discuss how Nordic countries can cooperate to increase ambitions for the UN Climate Summit COP27 in Egypt.

Annika Strandhal will also inform her Nordic colleagues about the upcoming UN meeting Stockholm +50, including planning for a June 1 meeting between Nordic youth and Nordic environment and climate ministers where young people themselves set the agenda.

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