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An answer to bird flu: “Learning to step back”

An answer to bird flu: “Learning to step back”

Cases of bird flu in wild birds have been higher than ever this summer, according to the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, SVA. In recent months, 25 more cases of bird flu have been detected in the country, of which six are in the Västra Götaland region. But according to the SVA, birds that carry the virus are much more than that.

– We never know the exact number of deaths and detection of bird flu because our statistics are based on reported cases. But there has been a huge increase this season, globally, in both Europe and Sweden, says Malin Grant, an epidemiologist at SVA.

Summer 2022 – the worst ever

For Sweden’s wild birds, the summer of 2022 was the worst ever.

– The reason why Haaland and Västra Götaland are affected is that they are on the coast. Species of birds that nest in colonies, such as the gannet, may have moved to the coast of Sweden from Great Britain and this is the reason for the increased infection.

However, during Week 31, the SVA saw a decrease in the number of reported birds infected with avian influenza.

– This could be because fewer slippers have reached the west coast, or the wind is blowing in a different direction, or fewer people have moved around the coastal area and reported to us.

Poultry birds are at risk of infection

According to an epidemiologist, there is an increased risk of domestic birds becoming infected with bird flu.

The virus lives best during the colder months of the year, which means bird flu will persist in the future and this leads to a much greater risk of spreading the infection to poultry.

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Avian influenza can be transmitted by direct and indirect contact. Direct contact means that an infected bird comes into close contact with another.

Indirect contact can be, for example, getting bird feces on you and then touching domestic birds without washing your hands. In the summer heat, the virus cannot survive for long, but the risk of domestic birds getting sick increases during the fall and winter.

How can you protect domestic birds?

– Preventing direct and indirect criticism with wild birds. Maintain good hygiene, wash your hands, change your shoes, and handle everything around the birds in such a way that domestic birds are not infected.

Avian influenza will continue to increase

For now, there is a clear risk that the virus will persist and may continue to spread or increase through the fall and winter.

We’ll see what happens during the fall migration when the birds move south and pass through Sweden, but the virus will continue to increase, says Malin Grant.

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Read also: Several suspected cases of bird flu in Kungälv – new wave feared

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