When Allsvenska started this year now, the club’s balance increased by a total of 30 percent compared to last year. According to EY’s financial analysis of Sweden’s football elite, it is possible to see a positive trend despite two seasons of the pandemic. The analysis also shows that 14 out of 16 clubs had a positive operating result, but only three showed a positive operating result without player sales. Clubs rely on income from player sales.
Consulting and audit firm EY has in the annual report “How is elite Swedish football?” Analyze the full annual reports of Swedish clubs for fiscal year 2021. Despite having two seasons affected by the pandemic, Allsvenskan has never felt better. In total, the clubs are 30 percent richer on a stock basis, which has grown from SEK 998 million to SEK 1.299 billion in the last financial year. On average per club, equity increased to just over 81 million SEK, which means an increase of approximately 19 million SEK per club.
– We see that the clubs are well financially equipped and that they are based on four important factors. It’s state aid in part because of the pandemic. There is also supportive support and local sponsors in various forms. In addition, a good job of the clubs is to review the uniform. Not least, the new central agreements with Unibet and discovery+, says Carlos Sterling, partner at EY and co-author of the report.
Allsvenskan’s total net sales increased in 2021, mainly due to relaxed audience restrictions. Net sales were around SEK 1.8 billion, which is an increase of SEK 513 million, or just over 39 percent.
EY’s analysis shows that 14 of the 16 clubs show positive operating profit, including player sales, representing SEK 290 million, which is consistent with the increase in equity. Only three of the clubs have a positive operating result if you do not include player sales.
Player sales are certainly part of the business model of running a football club today and are a significant contribution to clubs’ finances, says Michael Bergstein, partner at EY and co-author of the report.
Malmö FF continues to be the club with the highest revenue generation. In 2021, the club’s net sales amounted to 567 million Swedish kronor. AIK came in second place with net sales of 156 million Swedish kronor. If clubs in Allsvenskan will squeeze financially in Malmö FF, matches in Europe and successful player transfers are increasingly important, these revenue streams contribute to the formation of a stronger and richer club.
For more information please contact:
Carlos Esterling, Partner at EY, 070-318 91 97, carlos.esterling@se.ey.com
Mikael Bergsten, Partner at EY, 070-348 71 03, mikael.bergsten@se.ey.com
About EY Sports Business Services
EY Sports Business Services is EY’s national network of employees that supports sports federations, federations and their stakeholders through EY’s audit, business, tax and transaction advisory services. Our staff has extensive experience from many different sports fields and among our clients are individual athletes as well as national clubs and teams, both in Sweden and internationally. We have contacts with most of the elite clubs in the major team sports in Sweden, as well as with many of the major sports federations. www.ey.com/sv_se/assurance/sports-business-services
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