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All cabin crew are allowed to wear make-up – QX

All cabin crew are allowed to wear make-up – QX

From Monday, British Airways, BA, introduced new rules for its staff on board, in the cabin as well as pilots. After reviewing the rules on how cabin crew are allowed to look, the rules regarding make-up are now being revised.

– We would like to create more inclusive working conditions, as this shows Watchman The airline’s spokesperson states that everyone now has the opportunity to paint nails and use makeup, regardless of gender.

Even stubble, which is three days old, is allowed. Everyone who works during the flight also has the right to have a carry-on bag and to have their hair up.

For some time now, Virgin Airlines has allowed employees to decide which uniform they want to wear, regardless of gender. He also tells us that both Lufthansa and Eurowings have made it possible for employees on board, regardless of gender, to paint their nails and apply makeup.

At the same time, The Guardian writes that one of Qatar Airways’ largest shareholders, Qatar Airways, maintains a strict dress code based on traditional gender stereotypes.

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