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A woman received the wrong vaccine – Evo criticizes the area’s routine

A woman received the wrong vaccine – Evo criticizes the area’s routine

A woman reported to Värmland Evo after receiving a different vaccine in March 2021 than the one prescribed by her doctor.

The woman claims that she had severe joint pain after the vaccination and was on sick leave.

In his decision, Ivo states that the vaccination unit in Karlstad did not have safe routines in place.

The doctor recommended that the woman be vaccinated with a vaccine from Phizer / Biontech. The appointment was missed when the woman came to the vaccination unit in Karlstad in mid-March.

Instead, she received a vaccine from Astra Zeneca.

Ivo states that the routines around vaccination were not good enough.

Photo: Naina Helen Well

The woman states in the report that she experienced severe pain in her entire body after the vaccination and had to be on sick leave partly during the summer.

The care and welfare inspectorate, Evo, did not take a position on whether the loss caused the woman post-vaccination discomfort.

It is not clear who was vaccinated

On the other hand, Ivo mentions that the vaccination unit got stuck in its routine regarding the doctor’s prescriptions. They also criticize the fact that it is not possible to know which nurse did the vaccination.

Routines have been changed so that the nurse is now always logged in and is personally responsible for all information on the Svevac and for signing both the health declaration and vaccination given.

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