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A new study shows that Rakpermanent products can double the risk of uterine cancer

A new study shows that Rakpermanent products can double the risk of uterine cancer

A new US study shows that so-called relaxants or permanent straightening products have been shown to significantly increase the risk of uterine cancer. Researchers believe this finding may be of particular relevance to black women.

Photo: Unsplash

A US study showed that relaxing products or hair straighteners can double the risk of developing uterine cancer, the US National Institutes of Health reported in: press release.

May double the risk of uterine cancer

The study that was given the title Sister study, has followed nearly 33,500 American women between the ages of 35 and 74 over the past eleven years to identify risk factors for breast cancer and other diseases. During this time, 378 women were diagnosed with uterine cancer.

It turns out that women who regularly (more than four times a year) use hair straighteners, so-called relaxers, have a higher risk of getting sick – in fact, regular use of these products more than doubles the risk of getting sick. For uterine cancer:

“We estimated that 1.64% of women who have never used [rakpermanent-produkter] He developed uterine cancer at the age of 70; But for frequent users, the risk rises to 4.05%,” says Alexandra White, lead author of the new study.

“This complication is concerning. However, it is important to put this information in the right context – uterine cancer is a relatively rare type of cancer.”

Researchers: ‘May be more relevant to black women’

Previous studies have shown that permanent straightening products contain hormone disruptors that have been associated with a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Scientists believe that these substances enter the bloodstream through the scalp and then reach the uterus, increasing the risk of cancer.

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Che-Jung Chang, one of the study’s authors, points out that the findings may be particularly relevant for black women:

“Because black women use individual or sedative products more frequently and tend to start using them at a younger age than others, these findings may be more relevant to them,” she says.

Facts about uterine cancer

Uterine carcinoma of the body, or carcinoma of the body, is the most common type of gynecological cancer and affects 1300-1400 women each year in Sweden. The disease mainly affects people who are past menopause – it is unusual for uterine cancer to develop before the age of 40.

Symptoms of uterine cancer can be:

Bleeding despite menopause.
Changed discharge when you are in menopause or after your period has stopped.
Your periods have changed before menopause or when you are at menopause. Changing cycles could be, for example, that you bleed more than usual or that your period lasts longer.

According to Vårdguiden, it is unusual for uterine cancer to hurt, but pain can be a symptom of people who have had previous treatment, for example, prolapse or cell changes in the cervix.

It should be noted that the above symptoms can have causes other than cancer – most often episodic bleeding in the first year after the last period is due to the continued production of hormones by the ovaries.

Sources: Sahlgrenska University HospitalAnd the Care guide