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A new study shows that french fries can make you depressed

A new study shows that french fries can make you depressed

Many people like to eat golden slices, but don’t make it a habit because fried snacks can lead to depression. CNN.

According to a recent study of 140,000 participants, which was led by a team of Chinese researchers, it was concluded that fried foods, specifically potatoes such as french fries, can lead to anxiety and depression. According to the study, young adults, including men, are most likely to be affected when they eat fried food.

The research lasted just over eleven years and is now published PNAS Scientific Journalstates that fried foods are associated with a 12% increased risk of developing anxiety.

Matching figures for those who choose not to eat french fries and not eat fried food at all is a seven percent higher risk.

A cancer-causing chemical in deep frying

The researchers believe the cancer-causing chemical acrylamide, which is formed during the frying process, is the culprit. In the study, the researchers used zebrafish that had been exposed to the chemical.

After a while, the fish show a lack of interest in exploring their surroundings and avoid swimming with their peers. According to the researchers, this may indicate depression and anxiety due to fish withdrawal.

According to the researchers, the results are preliminary. It is not clear whether psychological problems arise due to fried food, or whether it is people who become unwell who eat more fried food.

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