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A new study explains the link between diabetes and urinary tract infections

A new study explains the link between diabetes and urinary tract infections


Sumitra Mohanty


Sumitra Mohanty. Photo: Johannes Frandsen

In the near future, we plan to further deepen our studies of the underlying mechanisms of infection in individuals with diabetes. The study’s first author says the long-term goal is to reduce the risk of infection in this large and growing group of patients Sumitra MohantyFrom researchers at the same institution.

The study was carried out in collaboration with Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm Region and Cabello, Uppsala University and the Schleswig-Holstein Clinic (Germany). It was funded primarily by the Olle Engkvist Byggmästare Foundation, Stockholm Region (ALF funds), the KI Research Foundation, the Swedish Medical Association, the Swedish Society for Medical Research (SSMF), the Klaas Gruczynski Memorial Foundation, the Åke Wiberg Foundation and the Magnus Bergvall Foundation. No conflict of interest has been reported.


“Diabetes downregulates psoriatic antimicrobial peptide and increases the burden of Escherichia coli in the urinary bladder”. Sumitra Mohanty, Wichoda Kamulfitt, Andrea Shevchik, Anneli Björklund, Jonas Toffe, Alexander Espinosa, Kirsten Brismar, Thomas Nystrom, Jens M Schroeder, Claes-Goran Ostenson, Pontus Aspenström, Hannah Brauner, Aneli. Nature Communicationsonline 20 Sep 2022, doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32636-y.

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