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“A kind never seen before in Sweden”

“A kind never seen before in Sweden”

In January, Agriculture Minister Jenny Nilsson (S) announced that breeding on Swedish mink farms would be halted in 2021 due to the fact that minks could host the coronavirus.

Compulsory inspection of all mink farms in Sweden has been underway since last summer. Control began as a result of the decision of the European Union and Now a case of SARS-CoV-2 virus has been detected in a mink, writes Statens Veterinärmedicinska anstalt.

According to P4 Skaraborg This is a mink farm in Skara On its website, the SVA wrote that viral genetic material was detected by PCR in one of six samples sent from the respective farm.

The detected virus is of a type not previously seen in Sweden, but has been reported from several countries inside and outside the European Union since April 2020.

It is currently unclear how the virus got into the herd and where it comes from, state epidemiologist Carl Stoll at SVA says in a press release.

According to SVA . Deals It is about an original type of SARS-CoV-2 and not about any of the newer virus variants that have caused great concern due to the changing characteristics of the virus.

– All mink farms in the country are subject to special infection control restrictions to reduce the risk of infection entering and further spreading following a decision by the Swedish Agriculture Board regarding the widespread outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 virus that affected Sweden’s mink farms in the fall of 2020, as Carl Stoll says.

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