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A healthy lifestyle is more than just physical exercise – health also heals thoughts and feelings – Mindmor is about more than just feeling good.

A healthy lifestyle is more than just physical exercise – health also heals thoughts and feelings – Mindmor is about more than just feeling good.

Not only does internal stress and pressure increase in workplaces, but it increases even more in daily life. Physical exercise is as normal today as it should be for training to deal with thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. So why is there more talk about problem solving than about creating digital tools?

Today, preventive physical training seems like a natural thing to do, regardless of whether you do yoga, go to the gym, or take a walk in the woods. If you’ve tried a type of exercise that you don’t enjoy, you know you can switch to something else that feels better. Because it is quite clear that regular exercise is necessary throughout life as a preventive measure. What you enjoy tends to become your way of life and also a healthy lifestyle has become fashionable.

But what happens to our thoughts and feelings? Yes, of course we feel better from doing sports. Many hormones are secreted in the brain which gives us positive feelings. However, more is needed to deal with daily stress. It is not only the body that needs to be trained, but also the brain.

It’s normal to feel upset sometimes and to question yourself. But we need more preventative training so that we can be better resilient in the face of adversity. Simply daily practice of increasing positive emotions and self-awareness has been shown to improve recovery. Regular training with alternative activities that give the user variety is what gives the best results. It is not about fixing what is wrong but enhancing what is good.

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Mindmor offers research-based activities in its new platform. Online training with simple activities that increase insight and train the brain to process thoughts, feelings, and behavior for personal development. More than feeling better.

“Evolution happens whether you like it or not, it grows as you evolve and it trains your brain”