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A couple behind the coronary artery bypass vaccine – they now want to cure cancer

A couple behind the coronary artery bypass vaccine – they now want to cure cancer

Printed copy by Dagens Nyheter, 2021-05-14 11:43

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Berlin. They have been described as “the couple who can save the world”. By the end of the year, perhaps one billion people had received the covid-19 vaccine.

Now the medical couple who founded Biontech want to cure cancer.

– This is just the beginning, says founder Ugur Shaheen.

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Biontech founders are constantly receiving new messages from people thanking them for receiving their vaccine. “It feels very positive to be able to help,” says Ugur Shaheen.

Photo: Biontech

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“We have always asked ourselves what we can do by ourselves, to help. One way to do this is to increase the production of vaccines,” says Ugur Shaheen.

Photo: Dina Litovsky

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The Biontech laboratory in Mainz has become world famous. According to the company’s founders, the vaccine was ready as early as February 2020. Since then, it has undergone a number of different studies.

Photo: Biontech

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It took a long time before researchers found the correct way to synthesize mRNA for the immune system to react in the correct way, says Karen Lowry, professor of vaccine immunology at Karolinska Institutet.

Photo: Ulf Sirborn

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The first to receive the vaccine after it was approved was 90-year-old Margaret Kennan.

Photo: Rota

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Ugur Shaheen says it makes him happy to hear that people are grateful for what he did, but it’s hard to accept. “We simply learned that at the time. You are very focused – as if you were in a vehicle moving at high speed and you should not lose focus,” he says.

Photo: Bernd von Guterzchenka

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