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A closer look at Android Ameca.  Interview with a humanoid robot

A closer look at Android Ameca. Interview with a humanoid robot

One of the robots shown at CES last week is the Ameca, developed by British company Engineered Arts. It’s a humanoid robot that got a lot of attention when it was first shown in December of last year.

Ameca looks relatively realistic and can move its face and upper body in a manner similar to a human being. The robot is also equipped with a bit of intelligence and can, among other things, answer simple questions it has been programmed to answer. Engineered Arts says it plans to continue developing Ameca. Within 10 to 20 years, it is believed that robots like Ameca may be able to move around in society in a similar way as in science fiction films like iRobot.

In the video above, you can watch CNET’s interview last week with bot Ameca and Morgan Roe from Engineered Arts.

tools, robots,

ameca, humanoid, ces 2022, ces2022, mesmer

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