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The bakery had to close emergency – traces of rats

The bakery had to close emergency – traces of rats

Businesses in the food business must keep pests away. The mouse in the photo is from archive photos.

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Mice and food are not a good combination.

A bakery in Souderort was ordered to close immediately after the inspector's visit.

In early October, the city food inspector made an unannounced visit to a bakery in Souderort. It was clear that the room had unwelcome guests.

Food inspector Ola Kotsalainen found rat droppings and rat tracks in several places. Among other things, there were gnaw marks on the refrigerator in the bakery. The city also received an anonymous report that one or more mice had been seen in the bakery.

– It's never a good idea to have animals running loose in a food processing facility. They have bacteria on them. Food inspector Ola Koutsalainen says rats move around in dirty environments and can bring bacteria and viruses with them.

A mouse claims the owner

However, in a conversation with Mitt, the owner believed that the problems were not major. The problem stems from a mouse that entered through an open door of a neighboring building.

-We contacted Anticimex and it was great. He says they have cleaned up.

But the city took the results seriously. Among other things, mice risk spreading salmonella. Therefore, the food inspector ordered the bakery to be closed immediately.

– Mice can be carriers of many diseases, says Ola Kotsalainen.

Act after closing

It has strengthened the company. After being closed for two days, the bakery was able to open its doors again. In his return last week, Ola Kotsalainen was satisfied.

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– The buildings must be closed and suitably sterilized. Now they are more alert and can take action. They also have help from Anticimex.

It should be held firmly

According to the Swedish Food Agency, companies operating in the food business must have routine procedures to prevent the introduction of pests.

Doors and windows should be tight.

Gates and doors must be closed when not in use.

Warehouse doors must be closed if goods are not received.

By pests, the Swedish Food Agency means rats, mice, birds, cockroaches and other animals that can spread infection or make food unusable.

Source: Swedish Food Agency

Mice can be carriers of many diseases.