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A computer for montage, After Effects, and some games for about 23 thousand

A computer for montage, After Effects, and some games for about 23 thousand


Sitting and looking for a new computer because the old one is getting old and hard. Since I am not familiar with building computers, I am requesting some expert help from you.

The computer should be fairly future proof and should be used mostly for editing in Premiere Pro, resolving and running animations in After Effects, and it can run some games on the side, so that's just a plus. (If you could play 2K at 60fps, that would be great)

What we're working on is mostly s-log3/braw 4k and we won't be getting to higher resolutions in the near future and in After Effects there will be a lot of 2D animation with a lot of layers.

I first looked at a laptop, then thought you might get more for your money if you bought a desktop, but I'm open to either or as long as it works well.

Found this on the net which I thought looked quite good:…

Then I was inside their store asking advice on a desktop computer and if you could get more “computer” for about the same money and his first piece of advice was this:…

Fixed with a ryzen 7 7700x 4.5Ghz and 40MB, so it ended up being 23,119 SEK

After a short talk with the seller, we came up with another suggestion:

Are any of them suitable for my needs and affordable or have you made any changes or built something else entirely?

Thanks in advance for any help!
