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Frida Fears Tricks Trick in Kläbo |  cross country skates

Frida Fears Tricks Trick in Kläbo | cross country skates

was in an interview with VG Norwegian star Johannes Hosflut Klapow also hopes for the future of his sport.

And they also came up with a radical proposal.

According to Kläbo, it is time to abolish the model of competing with national teams at the World Cup. Instead, try competing with professional teams of mixed nationalities, such as in long-distance running and cycling.

– There is no conclusion about what is right and wrong, but what do we have to lose? I think we can take advantage of it, Kläbo tells VG.

Kläbo’s proposal has also been supported by many of the leading names in cross-country skiing. Such as Lucas Shanavat, France, Andrew Musgrave, Great Britain and Hans Christer Holland, Norway.

Buruma: “There will be more money”

The Swedish national team skaters, on the other hand, are divided over the idea of ​​scrapping the national team.

At the moment, I feel incredibly good in the national team and I feel that’s what I want, says William Boroma, for example.

But the 22-year-old is simultaneously open to long-term change.

Yes, I think it’s going in that direction. It works in both long-distance running and cycling – there will also be more money for activists.

You also feel like you can control yourself a little bit the way you want. And nowadays, it’s probably something that attracts many.

Jens Bormann describes Kläbo’s play as “Interesting idea“.

– With the teams they sponsor, I think there will be better financial conditions for many of the riders. And in the future, I think we’ll end there. Then whether it was five or ten years later, I don’t know.

Isn’t there a danger that out of 100 novices, like 80 are Norwegians or Swedes?

– Well, well … you may have to get some kind of organization to bring in more nationalities.

At the same time, Calle Halfvarsson sees a potential advantage for small nations across the country.

– Yes, it can be better for talented skaters from small countries who suddenly enter a team with good resources.

Freda Carlson worry

Just like Jens Burman, Halfvarsson thinks it’s only a matter of time before Kläbo’s proposal becomes a reality.

– I probably won’t skate when it comes true. But this will happen. This is where we’re headed.

Established star in the women’s national team, Frida Carlson calls it all”Thrilling– But at the same time questionable.

– I think it has its challenges.

how do you mean?

Think of the water cycle as it is now. Norway can line up with four distance skaters – and a fifth on the bench is actually a potential medal candidate.

– It is clearly sad for Norway,

– But at the same time – if we had these professional stables, they would only be filled by Norwegian skaters. And then there may be no room for skiers from smaller ski countries.

So if you decide – will it be yes or no?

– number. I think it just made the sport narrower.

Read more. Frida’s shocking news – she could move to Norway: ‘Beautiful city’

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