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Sweden increases humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Sweden has always been one of the countries that provide Ukraine with the greatest assistance, both reform-oriented development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the government decided to allocate additional funds to relieve the need for the country’s population.

– In light of the terrible development in recent days, the government has now decided to allocate another 20 million for the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine. Development Aid Minister Matilda Ehrencrans said Sweden is therefore supporting its humanitarian response to Ukraine with SEK 55 million.

Sweden annually provides significant assistance to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which is located between the borders with Ukraine and Moldova, where many Ukrainians flee. Support can be used for rapid efforts to assist refugees, where needs are greatest.

In light of the rapidly increasing influx of refugees, the government has also decided to provide UNHCR with a payment of 50 million Swedish kronor in order to meet the humanitarian needs arising from the developments in Ukraine, the Minister of Development Aid announced.

In all, the Minister for Development Assistance provided payments and support measures of SEK 100 million. These are 50 million SEK for the UN Refugee Agency, 30 million SEK for the UN Humanitarian Land Fund and 20 million SEK for the International Committee of the Red Cross.

With today’s announcement, since 2014 Sweden has provided SEK 391 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

The head of the humanitarian aid department at SIDA, Goran Holmqvist, emphasized the gravity of the humanitarian situation and that the greatest needs would be among those who had no chance of escape. Sida can quickly agree to move resources to where they are most needed. SIDA is now awaiting needs analyzes from UN agencies such as the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and UNHCR in order to respond effectively to the situation.

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